Friday, November 14, 2008

Are you confused?

In my previous post I emphasized the stage in my life where I became convinced homosexuality was not negative. The girl who I knew as a teenager never developed a sexual relationship with me. My experiences that immediately followed during that period of time were actually of a heterosexual nature. I would not be thrown into "confusion" again until I was a very young adult and that is the point where the illusion of homosexuality veiled my identity and altered the direction of my life (The Gay Church experience).

I hope to reach out to those who are confused. I wish that my story was enough to dispel all the confusion in the world. Confusion is evident to me as being the root of my homosexual experiences. My altered identity began with confusion and while I am not religious, I find it very alarming that confusion is believed in so many cultures to be one of the primary weapons of evil. So my question is...why do so many homosexuals start out confused? This is a question I implore you to investigate.

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