Friday, November 14, 2008

Exploration of Gender

Does not nature dictate to us our gender with the body we are born with?

Isn't it lying to ourselves and denying our very nature to believe anything else?

I find it unfortunate that anyone suffers from confusion about who they are, but it does not surprise me.

As a society we have been fighting the traditional gender roles since the dawn of woman's liberation and as a result homosexuality has become an epidemic that is spreading like wild fire. There are those who will argue that homosexuality was always this prevalent, but what is not understood
is that it is only experimentation which has always been prevalent, not homosexuality.

The whole face of male/ female relationships was altered in the 1960's. Homosexuality got a foot hold in our society with the advent of woman's liberation and the cult
was formed. (I will delve into the cult like nature of homosexuality in the future).

Today our youth are actually encouraged to become homosexual if they show any signs of confusion about their sexuality. It is homosexuals who spread the lie that we are all bi-sexual and they go so far as claiming that any one who doesn't admit their bi-sexual nature is in "denial".

Why shouldn't today's youth be confused about their gender when marriages are failing constantly and divorce is common place? The role modeling that should be instilled by the traditional "nuclear family" has been de-stabilized and the current generation is under more influence by Gays than ever before in history. (Today even Disney is largely under Gay influence as is the whole Fashion Industry).

Why are we re-defining the natural balance of our households?

I am ecstatic that the Patriarchal era crumbled, just as the Matriarch had to end; however, are we going to live in harmony as male and female with respectful relationship, or are we headed for further imbalance? Is the truth of polarity (the law of magnetic attraction)
not the lesson these two era's should have taught us? In fact we belong together as male and female.

My mother has enlightened me to the instinctual roles of men and women. Her view holds that Men are the Hunter/Gatherers and Women are more naturally the Nurtures/ Caretakers.

Why have we as a society become uncomfortable with our very instincts?

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